PDF NeoTek Online

Majalah NeoTek

Majalah NeoTek

"odyxb (nickname of MA Rody Candera) is a writer, editorial board, the managing editor, NeoTek magazine. And also one of NeoTeker community leaders"

odyxb (nickname of MA Rody Candera) is a writer, editorial board, the managing editor, NeoTek magazine. And also one of NeoTeker community leaders.

Neotek is a computer magazine which first published at the end of the year 2000 (October). Neotek initially directed to novice computer users in line with the popularity of the Internet began at that time. Since volume II (October 2001) Neotek topic shifting toward the computer and network security (computer and network security) and tooling fiddle with computers and networks (computer and network hacking). Neotek believe that hacking is a manifestation of a creative nature and a desire to learn and to be distinguished from cracking which is not based on good faith. Though somehow, Neotek never discussed aspects of cracking and had received criticism from the computer user community. Not when discussing identity theft (in Indonesia known as carding), but rather when discussing how to get the security holes in Apache server.

Neotek existence led to the birth of informal study group that later became known as Neoteker. Neoteker have an interactive website as well as its own IRC channel, complementing Neotek site (which only static only) as well as his mailing list at Yahoo Groups.

The progress of computers and the Internet actually bring the victim to a computer magazine in print format. Computer magazines in print format increasingly irrelevant given his limitations and the amount of necessary operating expenses. Neotek last published in 2006 (Vol. VI, No. 2) and after that it never tried to change direction again Neotek to popular science (life skill) but had only published one time (Vol. VII, No. 1).
This latest edition is not truly represent the actual Neotek.

Although no longer published, the PDF files Neotek print edition will continue to be maintained and can be obtained by downloading it for free from this site. Previously PDF file NeoTek never placed in http://www.newneotek.com (the link is directed to the Download menu on http://www.edu2000.org to download frequency can be monitored). The result is astonishing, remain popular Neotek seen from the number of downloads (and high cost of bandwidth that must be paid by http://www.newneotek.com).

http://www.edu2000.org popularity and now needs a young generation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to strengthen the idea of reviving the Neotek as Neotek Online. Neotek Online is expected to be supplementary reading for high school students that since junior high school was a lesson of ICT or ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

Now both are gone, http://www.edu2000.org and http://www.newneotek.com since the death of founder and pioneer NeoTek Edu2000 (Ir. Kosasih Iskandarsjah). PDF files have not had time to rescue NeoTek done, a lot of data residing in http://www.edu2000.org was deleted by the manager where the site is located. But business will still continue to collect back all NeoTek PDF file, please prayer of blessing and help.

Viva IT Indonesia.


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if you have ever heard about the magazine neotek? NeoTek Magazine is a magazine that discussed the Computers and Internet, from beginner to expert. Starting from the introduction of computers and the internet came to the dark side of komputern and the Internet.
Since entering the volume II, NeoTek magazine focusing on the discussion of hacking and cracking.
NeoTek magazine is now gone, since there was a free magazine distributed NeoTek PDF which is a form of offline magazine. Since closing in 2006 ahead of 2007, PDF NeoTek also hard to come by because the official website of the magazine NeoTek come close.
That’s what this blog is present attempting to bring back one by one PDF NeoTek, all still in the business of collecting. Please help also from colleagues, both material and non-material, even a collection of PDF NeoTek you have that does not exist in this blog.
Good read, good learning, always victorious IT Indonesia.

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(Unofficial release)


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